The Class x The Nursing Beat

To access this Class, please read and acknowledge our waiver below.

I acknowledge that the activities and services provided by The Class Corp, and all other persons acting in any capacity on behalf of the Company or retained by the Company (collectively, the “Services”), involve physical exercise and/or dietary modifications that can be strenuous and may cause bodily injury. I understand that there is an inherent risk of bodily injury when choosing to participate in any physical exercise, sport, wellness, nutritional and/or recreational activities, including the Services. My participation in the Services is a voluntary activity in all respects and I assume all risks of bodily injury and illness that may result from the Services.

In consideration of the Company, and all other persons acting in any capacity on behalf of the Company in providing the Services, along with the owner or owners of the premises in which the Services are provided, their respective insurers, heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, including (collectively, the “Released Parties”), I hereby waive, to the fullest extent permitted by law and on behalf of myself, my children, my heirs, my assigns, personal representatives and all other persons acting on my behalf, the right to bring any suit, action or claim of any kind against any Released Party as a result of my participation in the Services and hereby release and discharge, to the fullest extent permitted by law and on behalf of myself, my children, my heirs, my assigns, personal representatives and all other persons acting on my behalf, the Released Parties, in any capacity, as follows: from any and all liability, claims and causes of action of any nature whatsoever arising from bodily injuries or illness (including emotional and psychological injuries or illness, and death), and damages (both economic and non-economic) or losses of any kind which I may have or which may accrue to me on account of my participation in the Services, regardless of whether such injuries result, in whole or in part, from the negligence of any Released Party.

I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless and defend the Released Parties from any and all liabilities, claims and causes of action of any nature whatsoever resulting from injuries or illness, damages (both economic and non-economic) or loss, including attorney fees, sustained by me arising out of or in connection with or in any way associated with my participation in the Services or resulting from my breach of any of the terms of this document.

I acknowledge that I have been advised to consult with my physician before I undertake any physical activity or nutritional or exercise program, including the Services. I certify that I am in good health and sufficient physical condition to participate in the Services. I further acknowledge that the Released Parties are neither responsible for nor liable for any loss of or theft of any personal property brought by me to or left by me at any Service provided by the Company and I hereby release the Released Parties from any liability for such loss or theft. I acknowledge that none of the Released Parties has represented to me or provided me with any assurance of any kind that my participation in the Services will result in any particular physical, psychological or other outcome, such as weight loss, psychotherapeutic benefits or the ability to perform any sport or other physical activity.

I agree that I will not copy, photograph, broadcast, retransmit or otherwise record in any manner any portion of any Service or any written or other tangible materials used in connection with any Service and that my participation in the Services is solely for my own personal use and not for use by any other person or for any commercial purpose whatsoever. I agree that I will not use or exploit any of the Services for any commercial purpose nor will I use any information obtained by me through my participation in the Services for any commercial purpose or for monetary gain. Should I breach any of the agreements contained in this paragraph and use the Services or any information obtained by me through my participation in the Services for a commercial purpose or for monetary gain, such monetary gain will inure solely to the benefit of the Company, and not to me or any affiliated entity of mine, and I will account and remit such monetary gain to the Company upon demand by the Company.

By clicking the button below, I acknowledge that I have read and fully understand this waiver of liability and release.

Questions? Email [email protected]